It was a honor to see each of the students graduate a couple of weeks ago in Israel. I was especially proud of my outreach team, as I was able to see their growth first hand over the past three months. They took on the challenges that were thrown their way and grew in the knowledge of the love the Father has for them and His nations. I was so blessed to have a team that was willing to grow and strengthen me as a leader. I have just received some e-mails from our contacts about the fruits from the ministry time spent in each place. All praise to the Lord, for He orchestrated it all!
I returned to the States August 19 and was blessed to have some alone time with family up in Maine. The transitioning in coming back has been smoother than I thought, and I have my family and church community to thank for that. My love for my church community continues to grow as I see them fighting for God’s children here in the states as well as overseas. The Lord is revealing His heart to them in new ways, and they remain obedient in following His footsteps. While I am only able to be a part of the services here for three weeks, I am still so thankful for opportunities to grow alongside of them.
While I’m here, I’m trying to take full advantage of my time. I want to meet with friends and family to continue to spread what the Lord is doing around the globe. That time with each of you is very precious to me. I also know that I need to take care of myself and that means taking hold of the opportunity to rest. I have a desire to get some of the visions I had during outreach down onto an the drawing board. This is an opportunity to soak in the Lord and rest in who He is.
As most of you know I am heading back to New Zealand in three weeks to staff the JUSTICE DTS. The Justice Discipleship Training School is about knowing Jesus intimately. The overflow of this is taking the transforming love, justice, and mercy of God to the oppressed, the victims, and the suffering. Our goal is to seek God’s heart for justice and mercy through the Word and spread that to the nations. We learn about different issues of injustice such as:
• Fair trade/slave labor
• Displaced people/refugees
• Human trafficking
• Corruption
• Human rights
• Oppression
• Gender Discrimination
• Racism
We use the outreach phase to actively take part in the lives of those affected with these issues. Some of the possible destinations for outreach are Cambodia, Thailand, India, Nepal, Israel and Palestine. The teams will focus on one area and serve alongside long-term workers, experiencing and learning more about how to bring change in spiritual and practical ways. It’s a chance to really sow into these groups of people and build relationships. I’m so excited to have you walk alongside with me during this next season. I cannot tell you how much it meant to have each and everyone of you along for the ride these past few years. I am ever grateful for you and your prayers and if you want to continue to walk with me in this season, there’s an opportunity for you to continue your support for me.
I have been overwhelmed with stories of how the Lord provides the finances to make missions possible. I’m living it out, and while I knew it would be harder this time around, one of our speakers challenged me in asking, “Who is your Pappa Sarah?” I was challenged by this question. Do we ask Him for the need expecting He will provide it? Am I making the need known? Do I have enough faith that He can do what may seem impossible to me? He loves to love on His children. We are sons and daughters of the Most High. It’s humbling every time I come to this point. I can’t do this without your help and I pray that He will continue to bless you as you sow into my life.
Justice DTS School Funds
Lecture Phase - $3,500.00
Outreach Phase- $5,500.00
Debrief Week- $350.00
Total- $9,350.00
If you feel led to give, you can make checks out to YWAM Oxford and write Sarah Racine on the memo line. Again thank you for your support. Your prayers are greatly needed as well! They really do make a difference!
->There is another need. I have three school loans that I am still paying off. All together the loans total approximately $12,000. This is the only debt that I have remaining. My hopes is to be debt free soon so I can continue in missions full time. If you feel lead to take on one of these loans while I am gone please let me know specifically.
School Loans
School Loan 1- $25.05 per month, 7 months- $175.35
School Loan 2- $56.30 per month, 7 months- $394.01
School Loan 3- $86.62 per month, 7 months- $606.34
God has continued to remain faithful in providing so far and I know He will continue to do so!
Blessings and love, Sarah Racine
Mail Checks to: Sarah Racine
49 Brookfield Drive
Fleetwood, Pa 19522