God is faithful right? I have no doubt of this. Prayer. We can continue to pray, but there may come a point when you struggle and question, "Is this really working?"
God loves when we communicate with Him. If we are frustrated, happy, sad, furious, confused? He loves it all. Our Father wants to hear from us. It's okay if you don't feel like praying or even speaking. I don't think that makes you a bad person. I think it makes you real and I know the Father welcomes that always.
Wednesday of last week one of the little boys I nanny for, Gavin, was sent in for surgery on his eyes. What was suppose to be an easy procedure turned into more than we bargained for. He ended up staying overnight in the hospital until Saturday. This little boy continues to amaze me over the past year and a half. He has overcome many obstacles with crawling, walking, and taking some steps towards communicating. I have no doubt that this is the Lord at work before my very own eyes and that He is going to continue to amaze the world with this little boy. After the surgery Gavin started having problems with breathing. They took him to the ICU and I called on friends and family to intercede for this family. We had prayer warriors all over the world praying for this little boy. We want to see results right away don't we? It took three days until Gavin could come home. Kate just found out that Gavin has a corneal abrasion and cellulitis in his left eye and if it doesn't heal he could lose his vision. We want answers right away don't we? There were times I wonder why? Amidst the confusion, God continues to show me His faithfulness. Gavin came home and even though he is still in pain he is in the process of healing. How do I know this for sure? Today I was sitting with Gavin while he was in his highchair. We put on Baby Signing Times for him and then I began to pray. Touching his eye shields, praying that the Lord would protect his eye sight. Praying that Angels would surround this boy day and night. Praying that Joy would begin to fill his body again then something happened. Gavin smiled for the first time in days. Tears began to fill my eyes. God remains faithful. Again, Gavin is in the process of healing. I know he still has a battle ahead of him, but God is for him. We may not know the answers, and we may not see results right away, but I just know that God is God. I cannot begin to grasp his faithfulness, love, or grace towards us. It's out of reach, my mind is not capable of understanding, but my spirit knows that God is God.
You are right, the Lord is so faithful to us! It is always easier to look back and see the way the Lord has worked in our situations, and I have no doubt you will be able to look back on this time in Gavin's life and see the Lord's hand- even if it's hard right now. Praying for Gavin :)